Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Kids Joke : A Poor Family

A teacher once asks all students to write an essay on the topic “A Poor Family”. One student gets the lowest marks for writing that essay. The student happens to be the richest girl in the entire class and her essay goes on as……..
“Once upon a time there was a poor family, husband and wife both were poor, their two children were also very poor.
All the servants on that house were also poor, the driver and security guard of the house were also poor, the four dogs in the house were also very poor. They haven’t eaten chicken for two days, Two Mercedes Benz and one BMW car weren’t properly serviced for a long time. All the A.C. in the house were not working properly, the house hasn’t been painted for a year, The family hadn’t gone for a holiday trip to foreign country for six months and among 5 T.V two of them were not working, As a whole it was a very poor family.”

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